глянь метод шрифта
BOOL CreateFont(
int nHeight,
int nWidth,
int nEscapement,
int nOrientation,
int nWeight,
BYTE bItalic,
BYTE bUnderline,
BYTE cStrikeOut,
BYTE nCharSet,
BYTE nOutPrecision,
BYTE nClipPrecision,
BYTE nQuality,
BYTE nPitchAndFamily,
LPCTSTR lpszFacename
Specifies the angle (in 0.1-degree units) between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the display surface. The escapement vector is the line through the origins of the first and last characters on a line. The angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis. See the lfEscapement member in the LOGFONT structure in the Platform SDK for more information.