я тоже не нашёл прям детальное содержание, а Торн пишет вот шо
View Matrix
the view matrix exclusively controls where your camera
is situated in 3D space. This means when Direct3D presents a
scene to the window it does so from the vantage point of your camera.
This opens up all kinds of possibilities. For example, if you
animate your view matrix over time you can create a first-person
camera that moves around a 3D world.
A view matrix can be built manually, or you can use one of
Direct3D’s provided functions. Specifically, you can use
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH. This function builds a view matrix
according to three arguments: the position of your camera, the
point at which it’s looking, and which way is up.
Projection Matrix
The projection matrix tells Direct3D how to project your 3D world,
as seen from your camera, onto the flat 2D surface of your application’s
window. In other words, it makes sure you get to see your 3D
world properly, with objects closer to the camera looking bigger
than objects farther away. Mathematically, it’s the most complicated
matrix to compute. Don’t worry if you don’t understand the mathematics
behind it; Direct3D provides a function to do all that hard
work for you. This function is called D3DXMatrixPerspective-
FovLH, and it builds a projection matrix according to some
arguments you provide. Its syntax and parameters follow.