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Автор Тема: Требуеются Software Engineer, Full-Stack с релокацией в США, Сан Франциско  (Прочитано 458 раз)
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« : 02-08-2018 14:48 » new

Organization: Passright

We’re looking for talented and motivated engineers with 4+ years of experience.
You'll influence the initial specs for the feature, build/modify the backend APIs (mostly Rails),
write the front-end code that consumes said APIs (mostly React.js), and be responsible for ongoing improvements once the feature is deployed.

Here’s what you’ll do:
Own what you build as you architect, test, and refine
Tackle a wide variety of technical problems throughout the stack and contribute daily to all parts of our code base, using our development workflow
Work with our product and design teams to understand customer pain points, come up with solutions, and then prototype, iterate, and launch daily
Be surrounded by individuals who are doing the best work of their lives and loving every moment of it

Here’s what we’re looking for:
Passion for creating memorable experiences for customers
Interest in technologies such as React.js, Ruby, and Rails
Appreciation for a test-driven, code review culture
Successful track record building distributed, high-throughput applications that scale
Experience turning wireframes and mockups into elegantly executed code
Well-structured, easily maintainable, well-documented code that balances beauty and pragmatism
4-year degree in Computer Science highly preferred

Working visa in the USA guaranteed.

Gross salary 150K

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