Да уж. Задымился, пока разбирался, что уже и забыл всю ситуацию описать. Есть код. Компилирую его ТАСМом получаю на выходе ехе, который не может нормально мне вывести английские буквы. Уверен я в том, что это не у меня руки кривые потому что с помощью эмулятора emu8086 получаю рабочий COM файл, который спокойно по ЭТОМУ ЖЕ коду выводит те самые буквы. Вот код.
codesg segment para 'code'
assume es:codesg, ss:codesg, ds:codesg, cs:codesg
org 100h
mov ax,0003
int 10h
jmp main
; data section
imr db ?
buffer db 10 dup (?)
endl db 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
blockmsg db 'IRQ1 is blocked now.$'
endmsg db 'Esc was pressed. Closing Program. Bye bye.$'
call ClearScreen
call ReadImr
mov al,imr
call ByteToHex
lea dx,buffer
call PrintStr_bios
call BlockKeyboard
lea dx,blockmsg
call PrintStr_bios
lea dx,endl
call PrintStr_bios
mov al,0Ah ; irr read command
out 20h,al
in al,20h ; read irr
and al,00000010b ; analizing irr. zero if there isn't any active
jz waiting
in al,60h ; get byte-code of pushing key
cmp al,01h ; esc was pushed
je progover
shl al,1 ; get rid of first byte of push/pop key
shr al,1
call ByteToHex
lea dx,buffer
call PrintStr_bios
call UnblockKeybooard
jmp main
lea dx,endmsg
call PrintStr
call UnblockKeybooard
; pause
mov dx, offset buffer;
mov ah, 0Ah
int 21h
; ====================
; work with imr for irq1, and unblock keyboard
; ======================
UnblockKeybooard proc near
push ax
in al,21h
and al,11111101b ; enable irq1
out 21h,al
pop ax
UnblockKeybooard endp
; ======================
; print binary val of al
; al - hex int
; ======================
PrintBinaryString proc near
push ax
push bx
push cx
mov bl,al
mov cl,7
mov al,bl
shr al,cl
add al,30h
call PrintSymbol
loop loop2
lea dx,endl
call PrintStr
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
PrintBinaryString endp
; ====================
; print symbol
; al - ascii of symbol
; ====================
PrintSymbol proc near
push ax
mov dl,al
mov ah,02h
int 21h
pop ax
PrintSymbol endp
; ======================
; Blocking in imr for keyboard
; ======================
BlockKeyboard proc near
push ax
in al,21h
or al,00000010b ; irq1 disable
out 21h,al
pop ax
BlockKeyboard endp
; =======================
; print str with '$'-end in buffer onto the screen
; ds:[dx] - offset of printing string
; =======================
PrintStr proc near
push ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
PrintStr endp
; =======================
; intput - in ds:[dx] offset of string
; =======================
PrintStr_bios proc near
push di
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
; find out count of symbols
mov di,dx
mov al,'$'
mov cx,100h
mov bx,100h
repne scasb
inc cx
sub cx,bx
neg cx ; count
push cx
; cursor position to dx
mov ah, 03h
xor bh,bh ; page
int 10h
pop cx
; attributes for output
mov bl, 00000111b
; offset string
pop dx
mov bp,dx
mov ah,13h
xor al,al
int 10h ; print str
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop di
PrintStr_bios endp
; =====================
; read imr to imr var
; out - number to imr var
; ====================
ReadImr proc near
push ax
in al,21h
mov imr,al
pop ax
ReadImr endp
; ===========================
; func convert content of imr to string with hex-numbers
; input - number in al
; output - str in buffer var with '$'-end
; ===========================
ByteToHex proc near
push cx
push di
push bx
mov bl,al
lea di, buffer
mov cl,8
sub cl,4
mov al,bl
shr al,cl
and al,00001111b
cmp al,9
ja letter
add al,30h
jmp retry
add al,31h
mov [di],al
inc di
cmp cl,0
je done
jmp loop1
mov byte ptr [di],'$'
pop bx
pop di
pop cx
ByteToHex endp
; ===================
; clearing screen
; ===================
ClearScreen proc near
push ax
mov ah, 0 ; video mode
mov al, 2 ; number 2, first bit is 0 then - clear screen
int 10h
pop ax
ClearScreen endp
codesg ends
end prog
Добавлено через 2 часа, 21 минуту и 17 секунд:Просмотрел память, там одни нули. Почему-то тасм не заполняет память.