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Автор Тема: Embedded Systems Software Engineer (Vacancy code: ES_SWE)  (Прочитано 6546 раз)
0 Пользователей и 1 Гость смотрят эту тему.
« : 22-01-2007 08:49 » 

Miratech Ltd is one of the largest Ukrainian software companies. Details about Miratech can be found at www.miratechgroup.com.

As a result of our growing, we are looking for experienced Embedded Systems Software Engineer.

The successful candidate should meet the following requirements:

•   MS/BS degree in Computing Sciences or equivalent
•   2+ years experience in software engineering
•   3+ years experience with designing embedded software for different types of hardware devices
•   Experience with internal hardware devices software as well as client external software for PC
•   C/C++ programming experience
•   OOP concepts and application would be considered as a plus
•   Knowledge of java/C# would be considered as a plus
•   Linux Embedded programming experience would be considered as a plus

We offer trainings, good working environment, excellent career opportunities, medical insurance, swimming pool, gym and competitive salary.

If you meet these qualifications, please send your resume to the e-mail resume@miratechgroup.com and put subject “Surname – Name (ES_SWE)”.
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