Imeetsia takoi kod :
/* Testirovanie objektnoi modeli v PHP 5.0.0 beta 1 */
class testing_PHP5_version
private $x; // zakritaja peremennaja
function __construct() // Konstruktor klassa
echo "<br><br><b>Constructor of testing_PHP5_version class started...</b> <br><br>";
public function public_function() // otkritaja funkcija
print "I am <b>public</b> function!!!<br>";
protected function protected_function() // zakritaja funkcija dostupnaja tolko klassu i naslednikam
print "I am <b>protected</b> function!!!<br>";
private function private_function() // zakritaja funkcija dostupnaja tolko dannomu klassu
$this->x = 3;
print "I am <b>private</b> function!!!<br>";
function __destruct() // Destruktor klassa
print "<br><br><b>Destructor of testing_PHP5_version class started...</b> <br><br>";
class testing_PHP5_version2 extends testing_PHP5_version // naslednik klass testing_PHP5_version
function __construct()
echo "<br><br><b>Constructor of testing_PHP5_version2 class started...</b> <br><br>";
public function display() // otkritaja funkcija
/* Popitka vizova zakritogo metoda */
//$this->private_function(); // Ne dolzhno rabotat
function __destruct()
print "<br><br><b>Destructor of testing_PHP5_version2 class started...</b> <br><br>";
$x = new testing_PHP5_version;
$x2 = new testing_PHP5_version2;
class Counter
var $counter = 0;
public function increment_and_print()
print ++$this->counter;
print "\n";
class SingletonCounter
static $m_instance = NULL;
function Instance()
if (self::$m_instance == NULL)
self::$m_instance = new Counter();
return self::$m_instance;
for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++)
Rezultat takoi :
Constructor of testing_PHP5_version class started...
I am public function!!!
Constructor of testing_PHP5_version2 class started...
I am private function!!!
I am protected function!!!
I am public function!!!
//Vot etot moment neponiaten, pochemu snachala otrbativajut poslednie dva klassa i tolko potom rabotajut destruktori

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // Rezultat raboti poslednih dvuh klassov
Destructor of testing_PHP5_version class started...
Destructor of testing_PHP5_version2 class started...