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Автор Тема: Вызов функций  (Прочитано 6610 раз)
0 Пользователей и 1 Гость смотрят эту тему.
« : 08-03-2004 10:37 » 

Привет всем

Подскажите пожалуйста можно ли из драйвера вызвать пользовательскую функцию по ее адресу (не используя функции ядра)
« Ответ #1 : 09-03-2004 08:55 » 

Через последовательность вызовов VMMCall.
Для драйверов WDM самое простое - из отдельной пользовательской нити посылать IRP, ожидающее нужного события, и по успешному завершению запускать нужную функцию.
Главный специалист

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« Ответ #2 : 09-03-2004 21:25 » 


Подскажите пожалуйста можно ли из драйвера вызвать пользовательскую функцию по ее адресу (не используя функции ядра)

Можно. Читай(вероятно в более читабельном виде и с картинкой есть на www.osronline.com)

Content provided by OSR Open Systems Resources, Inc.
Understanding and Using Execution Context in NT Drivers
One of the most important concepts to understand about drivers in Windows NT is the "execution
context" in which the drivers run. Understanding this concept, and applying what you know about it
carefully, can help you build faster, more efficient drivers.
An important aspect of NT standard kernel mode drivers is the "context" in which particular driver
functions execute. Traditionally of concern mostly to file systems developers, writers of all types NT kernel
mode drivers can benefit from a solid understanding of execution context. When used with care,
understanding execution context can enable the creation of higher performance, lower overhead device
driver designs.
In this article, we’ll explore the concept of execution context. As a demonstration of the concepts
presented, this article ends with the description of a driver that allows user applications to execute in kernel
mode, with all the rights and privileges thereof. Along the way, we’ll also discuss the practical uses that can
be made of execution context within device drivers.
What IS Context?
When we refer to a routine’s context we are referring to its thread and process execution environment. In
NT, this environment is established by the current Thread Environment Block (TEB) and Processes
Environment Block (PEB). Context therefore includes the virtual memory settings (telling us which
physical memory pages correspond to which virtual memory addresses), handle translations (since handles
are process specific), dispatcher information, stacks, and general purpose and floating point register sets.
When we ask in what context a particular kernel routine is running, we are really asking, "What’s the
current thread as established by the (NT kernel) dispatcher?" Since every thread belongs to only one
process, the current thread implies a specific current process. Together, the current thread and current
process imply all those things (handles, virtual memory, scheduler state, registers) that make the thread and
process unique.
Virtual memory context is perhaps the aspect of context that is most useful to kernel mode driver writers.
Recall that NT maps user processes into the low 2GB of virtual address space, and the operating system
code itself into the high 2GB of virtual address space. When a thread from a user process is executing, it’s
virtual addresses will range from 0 to 2GB, and all addresses above 2GB will be set to "no access",
preventing direct user access to operating system code and structures. When the operating system code is
executing, its virtual addresses range from 2-4GB, and the current user process (if there is one) is mapped
into the addresses between 0 and 2GB. In NT V3.51 and V4.0, the code mapped into the high 2GB of
address never changes. However, the code mapped into the lower 2GB of address space changes, based on
which process is current.
In addition to the above, in NT’s specific arrangement of virtual memory, a given valid user virtual address
X within process P (where X is less than or equal to 2GB) will correspond to the same physical memory
location as kernel virtual address X. This is true, of course, only when process P is the current process and
(therefore) process P’s physical pages are mapped into the operating system’s low 2GB of virtual
addresses. Another way of expressing this last sentence is, "This is true only when P is the current process
context." So, user virtual addresses and kernel virtual addresses up to 2GB refer to the same physical
locations, given the same process context.
Another aspect of context of interest to kernel mode driver writers is thread scheduling context. When a
thread waits (such as by issuing the Win32 function WaitForSingleObject(...) for an object that is not
signaled), that thread’s scheduling context is used to store information which defines what the thread is
waiting for. When issuing an unsatisfied wait, the thread is removed from the ready queue, to return only
when the wait has been satisfied (by the indicated dispatcher object being signaled).
Context also impacts the use of handles. Since handles are specific to a particular process, a handle created
within the context of one process will be of no use in another processes context.
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Different Contexts
Kernel mode routines run in one of three different classes of context:
-System process context;
-A specific user thread (and process) context;
-Arbitrary user thread (and process) context.
During its execution, parts of every kernel mode driver might run in each of the three context classes
above. For example, a driver’s DriverEntry(...)function always runs in the context of the system process.
System process context has no associated user-thread context (and hence no TEB), and also has no user
process mapped into the lower 2GB of the kernel’s virtual address space. On the other hand, DPCs (such as
a driver’s DPC for ISR or timer expiration function) run in an arbitrary user thread context. This means that
during the execution of a DPC, any user thread might be the "current" thread, and hence any user process
might be mapped into the lower 2GB of kernel virtual addresses.
The context in which a driver’s dispatch routines run can be particularly interesting. In many cases, a kernel
mode driver’s dispatch routines will run in the context of the calling user thread. Figure 1 shows why this
is so. When a user thread issues an I/O function call to a device, for example by calling the Win32
ReadFile(...)function, this results in a system service request. On Intel architecture processors, such
requests are implemented using software interrupts which pass through an interrupt gate. The interrupt gate
changes the processor’s current privilege level to kernel mode, causes a switch to the kernel stack, and then
calls the system service dispatcher. The system service dispatcher in turn, calls the function within the
operating system that handles the specific system service that was requested. For ReadFile(...) this is the
NtReadFile(...) function within the I/O Subsystem. The NtReadFile(...)function builds an IRP, and calls
the read dispatch routine of the driver that corresponds to the file object referenced by the file handle in the
ReadFile(...) request. All this happens at IRQL PASSIVE_LEVEL.
I/O Manager
(setup IRP & I/O Stack)
// Perform request
System Service Dispatcher
Interrupt Gate
push arg1
push arg2
push argn
push sys_svc_code
User Application
Figure 1 – Following the Context of the Calling User’s Thread
Throughout the entire process described above, no scheduling or queuing of the user request has taken
place. Therefore, no change in user thread and process context could have taken place. In this example,
then, the driver’s dispatch routine is running in the context of the user thread that issued the ReadFile(...)
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request. This means that when the driver’s read dispatch function is running, it is the user thread executing
the kernel mode driver code.
Does a driver’s dispatch routine always run in the context of the requesting user thread? Well, no. Section of the V4.0 Kernel Mode Drivers Design Guide tells us, "Only highest-level NT drivers, such as
File System Drivers, can be sure their dispatch routines will be called in the context of such a user-mode
thread." As can be seen from our example, this is not precisely correct. It is certainly true that FSDs will be
called in the context of the requesting user thread. The fact is that any driver called directly as a result of a
user I/O request, without first passing through another driver, is guaranteed to be called in the context of
the requesting user thread. This includes FSDs. But it also means that most user-written standard kernel
mode drivers providing functions directly to use applications, such as those for process control devices, will
have their dispatch functions called in the context of the requesting user thread.
In fact, the only way a driver’s dispatch routine will not be called in the context of the calling user’s thread,
is if the user’s request is first directed to a higher level driver, such as a file system driver. If the higher
level driver passes the request to a system worker thread, there will be a resulting change in context. When
the IRP is finally passed down to the lower level driver, there is no guarantee that the context in which the
higher level driver was running when it forwarded the IRP was that of the original requesting user thread.
The lower-level driver will then be running in an arbitrary thread context.
The general rule, then, is that when a device is accessed directly by the user, with no other drivers
intervening, the driver’s dispatch routines for that device will always run in the context of the requesting
user thread. As it happens, this has some pretty interesting consequences, and allows us to do some equally
interesting things.
What are the consequences of a dispatch functions running in the context of the calling user thread? Well,
some are useful and some are annoying. For example, let’s suppose a driver creates a file using the
ZwCreateFile(...)function from a dispatch function. When that same driver tries to read from that file using
ZwReadFile(...), the read will fail unless issued in the context of the same user process from which the
create was issued. This is because both handles and file objects are stored on a per-process basis.
Continuing the example, if the ZwReadFile(...) request is successfully issued, the driver could optionally
choose to wait for the read to be completed by waiting on an event associated with the read operation. What
happens when this wait is issued? The current user thread is placed in a wait state, referencing the indicated
event object. So much for asynchronous I/O requests! The dispatcher finds the next highest priority
runnable thread. When the event object is set to signaled state as a result of the ReadFile(...) request
completing, the driver will only run when the user’s thread is once again one of the N highest priority
runnable threads on an N CPU system.
Running in the context of the requesting user thread can also have some very useful consequences. For
example, calls to ZwSetInformationThread(...)using a handle value of -2 (meaning "current thread") will
allo w the driver to change all of the current thread’s various properties. Similarly, calls
ZwSetInformationProcess(...)using a handle value of NtCurrentProcess(...) (which ntddk.h defines as -
1) will allow the driver to change the characteristics of the current processes. Note that since both of these
calls are issued from kernel mode, no security checks are made. Thus, it is possible this way to change
thread and/or process attributes that the thread itself could not access.
However, it is the ability to directly access user virtual addresses that is perhaps the most useful
consequence of running within the context of the requesting user thread. Consider, for example, a driver for
a simple shared-memory type device that is used directly by a user-mode application. Let’s say that a write
operation on this device comprises copying up to 1K of data from a user’s buffer directly to a shared
memory area on the device, and that the devices shared memory area is always accessible.
The traditional design of a driver for this device would probably use buffered I/O since the amount of data
to be moved is significantly less than a page in length. Thus, on each write request the I/O Manager will
allocate a buffer in non-paged pool that is the same size as the user’s data buffer, and copy the data from
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the user’s buffer into this non-page pool buffer. The I/O Manager will then call the driver’s write dispatch
routine, providing a pointer to the non-paged pool buffer in the IRP (in
Irp?AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer). The driver will then copy the data from the non-paged pool buffer to
the device’s shared memory area. How efficient is this design? Well, for one thing the data is always
copied twice. Not to mention the fact that the I/O Manager needs to do the pool allocation for the nonpaged
pool buffer. I would not call this the lowest possible overhead design.
Say we try to increase the performance of this design, again using traditional methods. We might change
the driver to use direct I/O. In this case, the page containing the user’s data will be probed for accessibility
and locked in memory by the I/O Manager. The I/O Manager will then describe the user’s data buffer using
a Memory Descriptor List (MDL), a pointer to which is supplied to the driver in the IRP (at
Irp? MdlAddress). Now, when the driver’s write dispatch function gets the IRP, it needs to use the MDL
to build a system address that it can use as a source for its copy operation. This entails calling
IoGetSystemAddressForMdl(...), which in turn calls MmMapLockedPages(...) to map the page table
entries in the MDL into kernel virtual address space. With the kernel virtual address returned from
IoGetSystemAddressForMdl(...), the driver can then copy the data from the user’s buffer to the device’s
shared memory area. How efficient is this design? Well, it’s better than the first design. But mapping is also
not a low overhead operation.
So what’s the alternative to these two conventional designs? Well, assuming the user application talks
directly to this driver, we know that the driver’s dispatch routines will always be called in the context of the
requesting user thread. As a result we can bypass the overhead of both the direct and buffered I/O designs
by using "neither I/O". The driver indicates that it wants to use "neither I/O" by setting neither the
DO_DIRECT_IO nor the DO_BUFFERED_IO bits in the flags word of the device object. When the
driver’s write dispatch function is called, the user-mode virtual address of the user’s data buffer will be
located in the IRP at location Irp? UserBuffer. Since kernel mode virtual addresses for user space
locations are identical to user-mode virtual addresses for those same locations, the driver can use the
address from Irp->UserBuffer directly, and copy the data from the user data buffer to the device’s shared
memory area. Of course, to prevent problems with user buffer access the driver will want to perform the
copy within a try… except block. No mapping; No recopy; No pool allocations. Just a straight-forward
copy. No that’s what I’d call low overhead.
There is one down-side to using the "neither I/O" approach however. What happens if the user passes a
buffer pointer that is valid to the driver, but invalid within the user’s process? The try… except block won’t
catch this problem. One example of such a pointer might be one that references memory that is mapped
read-only by the user’s process, but is read/write from kernel mode. In this case, the move of the driver will
simply put the data in the space that the user app sees as read-only! Is this a problem? Well, it depends on
the driver and the application. Only you can decide if the potential risks are worth the rewards of this
Take It To The Limit
A final example will demonstrate many of the possibilities of a driver running within the context of the
requesting user thread. This example will demonstrate that when a driver is running, all that’s happening is
that the driver is running in the context of the calling user process in kernel mode.
We have written a pseudo-device driver called SwitchStack. Since it is a pseudo-device driver it is not
associated with any hardware. This driver supports create, close, and a single IOCTL using
METHOD_NEITHER. When a user application issues the IOCTL, it provides a pointer to a variable of
type void as the IOCTL input buffer and a pointer to a function (taking a pointer to void and returning void)
as the IOCTL output buffer. When processing the IOCTL, the driver calls the indicated user function,
passing the PVOID as a context argument. The resulting function, within the user’s address space, then
executes in kernel mode.
Given the design of NT, there is very little that the called-back user function cannot do. It can issue Win32
function calls, pop up dialog boxes, and perform File I/O. The only difference is that the user-application is
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running in kernel mode, on the kernel stack. When an application is running in kernel mode it is not subject
to privilege limits, quotas, or protection checking. Since all functions executing in kernel mode have IOPL,
the user application can even issue IN and OUT instructions (on an Intel architecture system, of course).
Your imagination (coupled with common sense) is the only limit on the types of things you could do with
this driver.
// SwitchStackDispatchIoctl
// This is the dispatch routine which processes
// Device I/O Control functions sent to this device
// Inputs:
// DeviceObject Pointer to a Device Object
// Irp Pointer to an I/O Request Packet
// Returns:
// NSTATUS Completion status of IRP
SwitchStackDispatchIoctl(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT, DeviceObject, IN PIRP
// Get a pointer to current I/O Stack Location
Ios = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
// Make sure this is a valid IOCTL for us...
// Get the pointer to the function to call
VOID (*UserFunctToCall)(PULONG) = Irp->UserBuffer;
// And the argument to pass
PVOID UserArg;
UserArg = Ios->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.Type3InputBuffer;
// Call user's function with the parameter
Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status;
Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0;
IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT);
Figure 2 -- IOCTL Dispatch Function
Figure 2 contains the code for the driver’s DispatchIoCtl function. The driver is called using the standard
Win32 system service call, as shown below:
DeviceIoControl (hDriver,(DWORD) IOCTL_SWITCH_STACKS,
This example is not designed to encourage you to write programs that run in kernel mode, of course.
However, what the example does demonstrate is that when your driver is running, it is really just running in
the context of an ordinary Win32 program, with all its variables, message queues, window handles, and the
like. The only difference is that it’s running in Kernel Mode, on the Kernel stack.
So there you have it. Understanding context can be a useful tool, and it can help you avoid some annoying
problems. And, of course, it can let you write some pretty cool drivers. Let us hear from you if this idea has
helped you out. Happy driver writing.
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